Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nothing much has changed on the old highway

hedder3HAG MINI

It seems as though no matter the day somethings do not really change.

Oh there’s a new divider on 89, the widening of Interstate from Parish Lane to the 215 collector, but in reality all that was is what still is.

The old tumble weeds, rocks and sticks still are on the end of 500 south in west Bountiful .

The new Legacy highway careens down I-15’s parameter and I wonder despite the claim of degradation of the pavement why heavy trucks up to 80,000 pounds are prohibited down the Legacy.

Seems as though another piece to that road would be a truck only bypass that would join I-15 near Farmington, for heavy haulers would be money well spent but Utah by and large has a tough time spending money where it needs to and all too many greedy people wanting money but nothing really to offer. Which is a shame in a way, considering the all the helpful attitudes that permeate on news stories, yet a Marine pilot retired can’t find one single place to rent to live in, and still afford a office to attempt to make a modest external living.

Now one goes east of here about 125 miles to Evanston Wyoming and the apartments and people willing to help are bubbling over, yet because of the office thing while inexpensive enough is still 125 or 250 miles round trip, so need to retain one but NEED a PLACE TO LIVE.

Where is the inexpensive housing?

Ever try to find low cost or pro bono legal help in Utah? It’s out there, but try to call after 3:00PM no connection. They say the workers of America are lazy, they are to a point, but everybody wants to go home, if they have a home, rather than work. How about firms that still stay at the job or shop until 6:00PM?

Then of course there are Church resources.

The only church in the area that has any kind of financial liquidity is of course the LDS Church, and I thank the Sullivan Hollow Ward and all for the help they gave me, but I’m out here adrift, in Woods Cross, sleeping for a short time in my office, could someone from my current area call and help me find suitable housing?

Is it just outside of Metro Utah that affordable housing exists? Has the idea of serving your fellow human being as prescribed in most and especially in church books from the BOM, to D&C that says if you have a bed but your cold neighbor doesn’t give him your bed etc, only achievable in Idaho and Wyoming? Is worshiping the all power dollar gave way to loving your neighbor and human beings and trying to help people that truly need help gone away?

Utah at least Metro Utah has always been an expensive place to live. But here’s my big question. One only needs to look up office space on say and you find many in Orem, and Salt Lake City areas for $350.00 to 450.00 a month. This is good, but how about having housing in that range that people can rent, to live and get a hand up rather than needing a hand out all the time.

Then there is the compassion department, especially from those that should be helping but fall short .

Examples, are of course Weber County Mental Health/Midtown Clinic, and PAAG.

These people should know that someone that has diabetes albeit type 2 that I can treat with a pill, and close monitoring, but your emotions and moods swing faster than Flash running a sprint race after Roscoe feeds those doggie nummnumms. So yes I got mad the other day, yes I am under a heavy weight finding housing, shit friends its cold, snow and winter. But instead of understanding that under those circumstances just from one episode but dropping you because of that, perhaps these people should not be in this business.

Of course and I must say this fully, that I apologize to both my friends at METV-4 and KSL. Over the last 4 months my health has diminished to points that have been unrecoverable from. Again diabetes type two. Anyone that knows anything of this knows that your mind gets into turbulence and what you mean to say you don’t what you didn’t mean to say you do. I guess my situation is simply that from 1977 to 2005 I was used to doing things the Marine way. You gave an order, you expect it to be carried out. Sure as in getting ads on TV the USMC has red tape, but in a urgent situation its lets get it done. I’m used to having people drop what they are doing to help me to reach and achieve the mutually beneficial goal, in this case a TV ad on METV and elsewhere to get listeners to and for the radio show, and network, and increase membership to and for the AyreWolvez. If it were not for these nostalgia TV networks that so many of the major TV networks, I wouldn’t bother with TV. More over with Black Sheep Squadron this is OUR squadron’s legacy, so hey we really need and deserve to be there.

On the subject of TV ads, I have this copy of a PSA style ad from Allstate Insurance to get people to move over a lane so people don’t run into tow trucks working the scene of an accident or recovery. Put that up, and put on there something like this reminder brought to you by Cooter’s A1 Toewing of Utah/Wyoming If you have the need call us indeed etc. Half of the ad is already made. If this aired I’ll bet your next inspection that I could get other tow services here to get on board and really put money behind a local effort. Its called vendor advertising. But no one seems to get this. How about the people in sales at the coffee pot or water cooler leaning over to the news departments and saying how about doing a news story on this to let people know just how serious it is for us out here rescuing motorists. Followed up by our ads. But do you think we get a return call?

No nothing has changed on the old highway through Utah, its still slightly snobbish, still high priced and still the land of the haves and have nots. There’s little in the middle, but should be.

Need to eat now, so see you on the radio later tonight on .


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Quote of the Day:
I not only use all the brains I have but all that I can borrow.
--Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Psalm 95:1-2“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”

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