Monday, December 30, 2019

WordPress and others getting worse.

So after I got completely cut off of WordPress, got things being set up at Go Daddy. Not saying their much better, but considering Go-Daddy is not sitting in GY Bay, California. Then flat told my current LDS Bishop, that because of my being balled out over quite nothing, I said, I'm not coming back to the Ward. His response, He really didn't care. No, hey come down and lets see about working this out, nope It's because of my behaivior, relly. Guess being kind, sympathetic, and giving automotive aid to two families in need in our Ward was bad behavior. Like I said before. Up until I moved to Wyoming, in 2014, until I moved away, I was really active in the Church and things were going in the right direction. I move over here and outside of Kathleen and her family, and on lady sister Missionary in Jerome, quite frankly any more the church, can kiss my rumpus. I'm going to see who my Stake President is, and have a long sit down up in his face talk. Plus , Going to get in touch with some Church General Authorities. 
Ya'll have a Good New Year, Utah residency is not looking so bad after all. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

This is one of those things.

What a wonderful nation we live in. For that matter what a great planet we reside on. Accountability, and honoring ones word, is no longer applicable. Especially amongst tech IT companies. Example, , who said that my account was due, and that they targeted my credit card. Thing is they already did that the first week of the month. Even the billing says I'm supposed to be good until the 3rd of October. Did some of these IT idiots at Lycos, forget how to observe a calendar? So now I'm in a scrap war with Lycos. But hold on, there's more. FakeBook, is just as bad, and descriminates against us older male corpuscles. Example, there's this seat-cover I befriended on FakeBook. So last Friday eve, this seniorita from Aussie land, posts photos of a tattooed womans breast, nipple and all. So I brought it to the attention of FakeBook's censors. Guess what? Does not matter to FakeBook, the sugar butt'ds can post what EVER they WANT, with no or very little restrictions. Yet, I'll bet you a jar of Uncle Jessie's finest, if any of us Knytes, were to post anything like that, our FakeBook account will be suspended faster than Boss Hogg eating raw liver. Equality? Not on FakeBook. So then What do you do? Close and terminate your accounts? Or just live with it? Our Millenials are learning, that with enough money and fame you can get anything you want or get away with any crime. Example, and I don't see this happening, but President Trump, got caught with his underwear down, when he tried to bribe a Ukranian  official to do some spying on Bidden's kid. Bidden it the front runner to run against Trump. So Trump wants to muddy the water, before election. Except, some inside observer did some whistleblowing. Now Trump is being tree'd by that Conn hound Nancy Palosi. But hey Trump has all the cards, and betting money, this will go into file 13 and be somewhat be forgotten. I swear, I will not vote again, until A; the Confederate National Party is gave respect, and we again can elect a  candidate on that tickey. What we need in that White-House, is another Bedford Forest, Robert, E, or even a Jefferson Davis. But hey as long as there is the Interweb, and artificial intelligence , great. Problem is the people who build the Artificial Intelligence, need to be intelligent first. Any mile going to see if I can iron out this mess with Lycos. See ya'll earley in the morning.