Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Engineer needed yesterday

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Overnight had a minor melt down of systems here at RodeWolfFM/HazzardAyre radio.

It started untangling some ancient swift hook up wires, that caused a near melt down of the $5,000.00 control console that we picked up for near nothing. Then the board mounted VU meter bridge came unglued, which meant several shut downs, some Hazzard County Enginuity. But now on air.

Aside from the on air jobs we have here that remain open, a good engineer to maintain the equipment would be a God send. Someone familiar with analog and older radio broadcast equipment, transmission equipment and so on would be a Heaven sent gift. The job is not a big payer right now but we could sure use em.

So on air, so went for Skoal, to remedy the malady of loosing ones mind in the process of the rewire, resolder and all , but Wolf-Pup no start. So ran a wire to Wolf Pup from the building and now in charge mode. Granted I didn’t have this trouble in Ogden or even Twin Falls , but there I had the truck plugged in every night especially when I could go outside in a T shirt and felt comfortable, must be the possible snow storm coming in, just for Thanksgiving. Guess I’ll still be eating that pot pie for Thanksgiving dinner. Hey could be worse.

Then floated a thing out there for Dixie Diesel/HazzardAyre the Magazine. few applicants the ones that replied have email address’s that are fonshway, in essence no wenno. Friends there are jobs out here, even some cushy jobs for bottom feeders , but no body wants to work, even if it is a media job. Granted we don’t pay much $30.00 an hour on air, $25.00 an hour engineer, etc but as we grow the wages will grow.

Of all the many things I see out there, HazzardAyre and all its subsidiaries are the most heavy handed powerful online radio networks ever conceived and I’m not just saying that cuzz we or I do it. Its that I have seen what happens when you bust ass on something.

So was looking at some inputs from Linkedin. Really, Linkedin would not even post my responses. My view, piss on Linkedin, don’t need ya.

So that’s why we didn’t stream last night into early morning, but we’ll be in tonight Let you know l8r this afternoon which one of the channels we’ll be on.


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Quote of the Day:
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
--Albert Einstein
Hebrews 12:28“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”

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