Saturday, August 26, 2017

Do as I preach, not as you do. Response to a annomouse comment post.

Like I said before, and I'll say it again, its all well for some LDS Church types to bark about me being so imperfect, and yet even they are not perfect themselves. As Jesus said, let you who has not sinned throw the first stone. I'll pass that by and say this, how the hell do you know what I do in my home? Are you peeping? My wound is proof of me getting stabbed. Plus there's a report written by two cops already filed. Second, there are NO cockroaches or anything else as far as insects in my house, I keep a clean house. Even when I wanted to mow my damn yard myself, yet my neighbors wouldn't even loan me their mower for what an hour or two. I could have bought a cheap mower, cept I paid a prospective employee $200.00 for so called 8 hours of work that I never saw anything tangible out of. As far as messing with kids, are you freaking empty in the head? I have never ever violated a child ever. If anything when one of the Knytes lives in a neighborhood those kids including the Hester' are safer than if one of were not there. But my, you didn't mind the gift of the gravel, I gave you, I could have just had it all hauled off. What I'm planning on doing if I stay here much longer is put up one BIG opaque fence then I can live in MY house, do the radio gig, and keep searching for a shop to get back to turning a wrench. Oh yes I fully blame myself for not looking over Wendell more, before I moved back. Sure you may not like our racy content on our blogs, and other visuals. But did anyone invite you to look? Even Zack doesn't want to be there with you and thinks your being a bit too clannish. 
 Enuff said. What I am doing is talking to our Bishop, here and seeing if there's another Church ward I can go to. Oh and yes, I am not a convert to the Church, I have been a member of the Church since birth. 

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