Monday, November 24, 2014

When the Knytes Leave neighborhood dies

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When the Knytes and Wolvez leaves the neighborhood decays and seriously dies.

Example: In the latest view, I noticed that Lotty’s Bar & Grill closed in Evanston. Why?

Granted there was some how would you call it decay in food quality or at least preparation of food there, there was also bad help, one that glammed onto myself and the club, lead us down a very long road to near destruction and the way back has none been too easy. Yet we look on Evanston and going back there. At least as a region HQ of the club. The national HQ remains in both Chowchilla California, and here in Woods Cross Utah.

But I have noticed this as well. Where the Knytes are there is prosperity. Reason? The better part of 1,000 members patronizing a place out of loyalty one member shows to a bar, grill, eating place, bike parts and service etc. The same goes for the RodeWolvez. A truck stop that is good to one member of the Wolf-Pack, will get business by, seriously, the truck load. Sure there were a few of us in the club that couldn’t get hardly anything published on the club back then, and we’re only talking 2005/2006. Yes we had to set up our own media arm, but things then were different. Cousin Bud had control of the purse strings. Now days I do, that means see it buy it.

Yes I got conned, into taking on a young gal just within 3 years younger than I her kids, and going along with her cousin being her new squeeze, and his kids. But I and I’m sure they recovered, and somewhere in Evanston in a storage warehouse unit if it ain’t all been sold by now, but for those who need and want to know, simply the Knytes and SAMCRO MC is back in Evanston, and Hazzard County Choppers is about to open.


RODEWOLF SIG  header (1)

Quote of the Day:
Justice consists in doing no injury to men; decency in giving them no offense.
--Marcus Tullius Cicero
Colossians 2:6-7“[Spiritual Fullness in Christ] So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

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