Feeling like old Orville Leadbetter at near noon, still dressed but bare foot.
At least I can here and as long as I stay inside, no problemo.
I caught a phone call from a competitor and at the same time industry friend. He and I were talking about media in the area, he said the reason that most of the area’s TV stations are so against us, is they can’t label or compartmentalize in other words can’t put a specific spin on us, and can’t compete.
The reason many can’t compete is they have layers of both stock holders and all that for them to get in bed so to speak with us at the Knytes/AyreWolvez aka HazzardAyre/AyreWolvez Radio, that they might get boycotted. Thing is they would get just the opposite. About 3,000 new advertisers, through members of the Knytes/AyreWolvez. It pays $’s to be nice REAL nice to the club.
So then lets define HazzardAyre. Its really not that complicated. HazzardAyre by its name sake, is on one side the Hazzard part , is of course, everything Dukes-of-Hazzard. Southern fried down home, green fried tomatoes hot rods, tricked out trucks old style John Deere Tractors, Harleys, if it has tires, burns gas and has even the slightest bit of muscle, that’s what the Hazzard of HazzardAyre is all about. Add a bit of southern heritage history teaching, some good southern fried rock and kountry music, some southern gospel preaching and Hazzard of HazzardAyre delivers.
Now then there’s the Ayre. Of HazzardAyre.
The Ayre of HazzardAyre, means aircraft. Yes vintage military aircraft. But everybody who claims to love military aircraft is all in love with Corsairs and P-51 Mustangs, great birds yes, but how about Cobra, Huey’ and other vertical flying platforms? Yes Helicopters. And not just those assigned the frigging Air-Force, how about Marine and Navy aircraft? Including Helicopters? These birds are the subjects of affection for and of those who are members of the AyreWolvez Wolf-Pack. Many, former members of the greatest squadron of all time the VMA(VMF)214 BlackSheep. Much of HazzardAyre at the least Ayre part of HazzardAyre was carved out on a napkin in a café in Okinawa Japan, by 5 of the the Wolf Pack, in 2002. Along with 7 others here in the state of Idaho at the AirPower Unlimited Museum in Jerome Idaho. The then Black Sheep Flying Club shortly after became the AyreWolvez, and the rest is history.
We as a club were the first that created open access free radio online for those that love military aircraft. Although such things as Warbird Radio, is a great network, it is as many are, a copy of us here at HazzardAyre.
Now then the fact that HazzardAyre is a one of a kind, it is very special. Although similar in its being, HazzardAyre is like a Winchester Rifle, a Whitney Cotton Gin, a Ford Model T, or Uncle Jessie’s shine. All are the best of their kind, one of a kind, and of course all too many want to copy, and become part of it yet fall far short and then get pissed. The simple fact is the club here is open to all new comers. No matter race, creed, or religion, although and maybe not right but we draw the line to sexual orientation, we don’t allow GAY’s in the club or allow GAY’s to work for HazzardAyre.
Sadly though today, I have to address a serious thing and I’m not doing well handling it. I have to drop out of the sky.
My diabetes, is effecting both my eye’s and all which means ability to fly.
So I have to stay a grounded Ayre/Rode Wolf. Doing more towing, trucking and two wheeled riding than flying. But I’ll still be the voice and mouthpiece for the AyreWolvez, and military vintage flight, I’ll be taking up duties of and for the RodeWolvez as the voice of the Interstate, my bark, and my howl; will now be for those of the community of the highway rather than skyways. But we’ll still be here pushing, and HazzardAyre will always be innovating because HazzardAyre wins because we don’t remain a stale foul smelling fish taco.
Quote of the Day:
I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. But only pigs were available.
Psalm 119:105“נ Nun Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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