There’s a great cowboy rodeo announcer that resides in the great expanse of the greater Twin Falls Universe called Murtaugh Idaho.
In my early days I met Zeb at KART and worked with him on a few live remotes, but I grew a great appreciation of his methods.
Many of what happens in broadcasting is monkey see, monkey do. In the case of Blogs, Zeb started his, because we rather I do mine.
The philospephy of each of us is pretty much identical, except I have a way out of this mess, Zeb wishes to rely on the Republicrats, or the Demopublicans , not take a more radical path and climb on the wagon of going full rebel Confederate National Party.
A few years ago it was the 150th anniversary of the signing of the truce between the south and Yankees. As such many were celebrating this and Rupert/Burley was no exception, except few there or anywhere were open to exploring the Confederate side of the conflict rather expounded on the teachings of the myth of the Yankee oppresionists.
I ran a few attempts in both local news rags of mini Cassia to no avail. While there was some old Yankee in Heyburn telling the story at local schools, few of those same schools were open to having the confederacy teach the truth.
Few want to believe that Abe Lincoln was a liar and cheat and as much of a racist as anything Jefferson Davis was. Fact is few Yankee children in school or out, have no idea who Jefferson Davis is or was. Jefferson Davis was the President of the southern states during the 1800’s early 1900’s. Should have been the President of the rest of the nation. This immigration shit would not even be thought of under JD’s rein, nor would the subjects or thought of a black man in the white house. Jefferson Davis like George Wallace would have left them folks in the back of the bus.
Zeb does not like exploring confrontational subjects although he’d like you to think he is different, Zeb, likes to remain in the middle and not rock the ship. Trouble is in these days, somebody needs to rock the ship. Or at least steer the ship in a different direction.
Years ago, in 2005-1/2 early 2006 during the first round of elections that brought us the fraud crook George Bush, the move was to take the Confederate National Party nationwide. So the Hazzard County Knytes being southern based said lets be the western and mountain western collective of the CNP. So through then party chair Steve Monk, gave the task to the Knytes. With the blessing of the Sons Of Confederate Veteran’s although they don’t admit it, we began gaining signatures in both Utah as well as Idaho, to get the party able to elect a candidate on the CNP ticket. It wasn’t until the 2008 elections after numerous meetings, lobbying , Idaho capitol protests and all in 2008, we had a candidate being ran on the CNP for Sheriff of Gooding County Idaho. Although only loosing that election by 10 votes, at least we had gotten legal and Idaho became the first state in the west on the CNP.
Zeb would have never went that far, although I asked to get on his show or do my own show on KBAR the same station he was on. It might be noted, Gina his producer and Zeb were the deciding factors that thwarted our buying KBAR in 2012. But I still read Zeb’s blog and subscribe to it and consider Zeb a friendly adversary .
Quote of the Day:
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.
--Jane Wagner
Colossians 3:15“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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