Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Does POF mean plenty of fish or piece of fish taco?

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I get it just about everyday a notice from this so called online dating thing called POF, which is supposed to be of Plenty of Fish. Why call this such a name? Which invites, considering many who sign on there, suggests the name Piece-of-Fish(Taco) .

I sign up for many of these for many reasons, I’d like to see one go up, that is really free,. Sort of Dating on Contingency. Or only if you do hook up then pay us, but here communicate amongst yourselves and find each other. Trust me the wolf-pack is working on it. But considering my age and all finding a Miss right, or a real all for me only SheWolf, would be like finding real treasure. I have been alone way too long, I miss a family(as all wolvez do) a organized inside pack and a stable family Where holidays and all can be a joyful occasion rather than the dreaded time of year.

Which seems to come around with all too much rapidity.

But I always wonder at these sites, how many of them have real people that are for real, or are they just there to steal your money?

Now that I have said that lets move on.

There is a all too frequent forgetfulness of way to many, it seems in the Magic Valley area of the Knytes.

What I can’t understand is why, and how could you forget?

From ground zero even long before ye ole General Lee, from Fairfield to Burley everyone in that valley was touched in one way or another by the Knytes.

CB bash in 1975 Filer Fairgrounds, the Knytes produced that and all. The Gooding County International Raceway, the Knytes invention. The list goes on and would fill all too much space, but the one thing that we can say for sure, when former KDSL(KHCK today) signed on the air, it was the blast from the sky, here was a radio station that was organized and built by a group of farm truck drivers and tow truckers that longed for greatness racing, put up a 100 watt radio station near Hagerman but was only on from midnight to 6:00AM. We flat brought none-Mormon radio into the Magic Valley. We were the only source for DR. Ruth, we were the first for TalkNet, we were the only ones with our own sex and relationship therapist Emme Lee Kaylor, and the list goes on. But beyond that when the Twitchell family had their house burn down on Christmas eve in 1982, who did a overnight hot rod show garage band concert? The Hazzard Knytes(aka:Knytes-of-Anarchy) when John Lowe was dying of cancer and needed a operation who jumped in without red tape? The Knytes. When it was found that the Canyon Springs Inn was running a brothel, and selling teens and kids narcotics who went in and stopped that? The Knytes.

Which brings me to two things, you’d think and I forgive current membership most of them are still deployed, but having just one member or friend show up for Thanksgiving and taking me to eat , and home with them for Christmas would be treasure, and with all that we as a club, and me being the main focus or focal person of the club of 49,999 you’d think Ricky, Charley, Jared or someone would find some of these sweethearts of theirs and send one my way.



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Quote of the Day:
Honk off, bozo.
--Eno, The Duplex
Hebrews 12:28“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”

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