Wednesday, December 13, 2017

We finally have a Democrat from Alabama in DC, now if we could just elect a George Wallace for President.

Finally we have a Democrat in DC from Alabama and if we work at it, we might could get elected another George Wallace as President in 2020. I'd like to see in my lifetime a President elected from the Confederate National Party. But few are willing to give that any substance or effort, guess Stone Wall and I need to lead that charge alone. 
Many of our Confederate brethren got behind Trump. Those forces are evil, the Republican's have never been for anyone but the very upity wealthy. Us southern country folks will get beat up by Republican's every time. If you think about it the south never was Republican, remember that was Abe Lincoln, not Jefferson Davis. President Davis was DEMOCRAT. Oh by the way how is the Republican government serving you? FCC chair wants to unbridle the Internet where companies that supply you with that all important connection, with higher fees, optional payments if you want good Internet or a particular site your going to have to pay for it. The same FCC chair took your favorite radio station out of your town. Now all a broadcasting company needs to do is have a computer and an internet connection to run the station. The broadcaster can now be in a metro area. For truckers; The ELD Mandate is on the front door now, are you ready? You'll have to have an ELD, (Electronic Logging Device) in your truck fully functional or YOU will get a hefty fine, if not worse. No ELD, gives a DOT inspector probable cause to snoop even further into and around your truck. Yes how is that Trump republican administration serving you?
On the local front, thought I had the thing on my unclaimed property claim from Utah put to bed, but seems the infrastructure of that agency has a right hand not knowing where the left one is, requiring another phone call. I have never have had as much trouble or had to work so hard for $1,100.00 before in my life.
Last but not least; Remember the thing called Trucker Buddy that was launched about 25 or so years ago, where a trucker would adopt a grade or Junior High School class and the class would use things like math, geography and so on to chart a truckers journey? As the IKA gets in gear for 2018 with a thing to revitalize the old TeenAge Truckers Club. Mainly a teaching resource to get young people interested in a career in over the road trucking as a career choice. More over to get youth going to drivers education courses how to drive in and around trucks. To this end SouthernSteele Media our media parent subsidiary, is going to produce some educational videos and get the program in front of educators. As we look at it, it might be a path to recruit new blood and younger membership into the IKA.(Iron-Knytes-Association). 
As I close, found that my arm wasn't broken, just some muscles and nerve damage from an altercation, from entertaining that tracy person. Thank God I survived, but when your used to doing everything with your right hand and arm and now have to train your left arm is quite a chore. Thank God for Goody's headache powders and a helper called: GABAPENTIN, with 300 milligrams good cocktail garnish huh?

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