Friday, November 10, 2017

We're not any richer or more anything than anyone else, its just that we work at it more than others do.

As I was paying for fuel today at the Oasis in Buhl, some lady from a local news rag said she had read our stuff over the last two days of the Times News and such being needy and greedy. My reply was simple since we have accused of this is simple; We are not any richer or more privlaged or anything else than anyone else, we just work at it harder and truly ask for the gift of God and his blessings to keep us imparting the truth to so many people that don't believe and who have been so lied to these many centuries. But we are not more intelligent, our IP skills suck, and our methods are always being subject to question. But the reason we do make it, the reason we stay in business and the reason, HazzardAyre Radio/Hazzard County Gazzette, keep rating number one is that we are not afraid to take risks, we don't have a bunch of people who are so spooked of any religious body, or loss of an advertiser or two, to exclude someone or something just because it might insult someone else . Example, Season 5 and 6 , of SOA, HCC and the Knytes seriously wanted to place ads on and during SOA. Our simple pic for the ad was a tight fannied gal stretched over a softail shovel head . This was in the eyes of the Cable-One ad board at least locally, just too over the top. However the ads got placed on both Charter and Cox's cable ads and guess what, new membership, and a huge increase in our mail order , orders. And we are there once the SOA spin-off's start airing again. 
A few years ago I had , same kind of thing came about at CH-4 Utah, the licensee of METV in Utah. At the time they were running the late TV series based on Col. Boyington's book Baa-Baa BlackSheep of the 214. The hold backs? Pinup girl on the Corsair, and rebel flag in the background. Had we pulled back on our beliefs and our ideals the ads for the WolfPack would have aired. But we didn't. Did we suffer? Maybe a little, but still , sometimes you have to stand up and say you corporate heads we are doing this our way, kiss our ass's if you don't like it.
No we are not richer or more anything than any body else, we just work at it harder than others.
Okay; on me today, I just pretty much stayed home today, that spoiled Russian in Jerome that after he found that I was not going to put profit in front of safety or do things just to shoot out a vehicle just to get it sold, decided he didn't need my services, especially for no $10.00 an hour. So I stayed home, pampered myself and rested. Considering that this is one of the last 3 day, fall holidays where roads are not covered with snow and cars and tourists will be all over the place. The thing that bothers me is this; Its Veteran's Day Sunday. Yet even with the USMC cap on my head, and all, few if anyone said to me even a , " Thank you for your service to this nation" . Who said thank you? Charlie at A1 in Twin Falls. Of which in my life beyond God above, and LexiBelle, I only have two bosses. My Shelly, and Charlie. Charles Legg of A1 is the most gifted and talented men I have ever known. His generosity and kindness goes way beyond just running a towing service, but that of giving people a chance when others never would. When it comes down to it, I'd rather be associated with A1 than working for and with anyone else.
So I ignored my phone, I ignored everything and just slept.

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