Monday, October 9, 2017

Wolf of Hazzard County Journal1

Good morning fellow Wolvez and Knytes. Want to say that the crew over at Anchors Bistro in Twin Falls treated me like a king the other night. Although I only had a salad and a brew still it was cool. Got to watch the Ducks battle it out with Washington, good game.
The gal who waited on me was wearing some boots that while they might have been good for all the time she was on her feet serving, still, they looked like they might have been cooking her feet. So much for comfortable fashion.
Charlie hasn't came for the General yet, thinking if he don't soon, I'll just give him $200.00 for it back and keep the old soldier and fix it. That old Stratus has served me damn good, and I really would hate to loose it.
Got a bit of mud slinging to do here as well this morning. If I'd have known that the Tragic Valley here hadn't progressed much if any since I left it in 2013 I would have never came back. That said, I get along better in Twin Falls than just about anywhere here abouts. Seems as if I get further, faster there on my projects and two; I am not seen as such a sinister person over yonder there in Twin as I am here in scranny Wendell. 
Talked to little Rick in Etown, LexiBelle ain't fixed yet, might be one of those things where I gots to go over there fetch her, and do the repair myself. Saw in Brothers Truck Parts where there's new tanks in there with the straps , senders, and all that the entire repair is just under $500.00 . Got get the old girl, since winter is upon us. Heard tell Etown already got a dusting of snow already.
Saw too; where, our member Nate and his daughter snagged a buck for the season. Good going bro, I'm coming over there for the jerky and one of those sandwiches. 
Next, why is it? That I can attract even make small talk with better than average eye candied women, yet can't keep one at least for the radio gig? Then too, the big other question is; why is it that I get a few of em interested in our on air gig, yet they don't even come over for a meet and greet, let alone go on air? I can't think of one damn thing including kinky winky, that would happen here or even in an office type place. In either case its me, her, in a 10X10 studio, for 6 hours. Every day cept Saturday and Sunday. 
Just as well.
Any mile ; Figured out on the fly why at times my CenturyLink Wifi goes sour occassionally. One, someone in my area is trying to tap into it, and two, the wire that comes from the main line, must be loose, since I only have a disconnect when it gets wet or windy. Might too be a messed up modem. 
Any flyte, need sleep see ya'll on the radio.

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