Today life, especially in the towns and cities, few if anyone gets going before 11:00 hours, nobody takes responsibility for anything. Few seek to create anything innovative, no independent thought, and a oh who cares? I, just here to collect a pay check. No idea of taking pride in the creation of anything. In fact your tarred and feathered if you do anything creative, or new, or not of the normal.
Our nation is ripping itself apart, there is no unification of these so called UNITED , states. We are not any longer so called UNITED, more like divided.
Yesterday, I heard from and on Zeb Bell's show, about the high sports contracts of the youth grads coming out of High School. That our respect of such things as the pledge of allegiance or singing the so called national anthem. I have two points on that. First if any graduating senior from any high school, in this nation, that seeks government money for college etc, should ought to have to, enlist, go through boot camp, and do at least one maybe two tours of military service. I don't really care although I say this I prefer the Marines, but any branch served. Then award college money from the government. No service? Don't ask us the tax payers to pay for you to go to school. On the second, that quarterback that refused to stand for the national anthem. I will stand, but I wont sing, nor will I recite the pledge. I only salute one flag,

Lets stay the course, and if you want to succeed, get out of bed, want to get on your feet? Get off your butt. Now before I wrap this; I hear from so many including Zeb Bell, and others, in working for what you get. I fully agree, except when you have those who block your escalation in prosperity. Don't just tell me to get a job, give me a job. Can't give me a job? Don't block me from making my own job. If I want to have a mini radio station in my home, and wish to be legal and proper? Then city council, planning and zoning people shouldn't tell me I can't just because my house is not in a commercial zone rather in a residential zone. Get the Feds out of such things as radio. Sure having the pirate stations, on air does step on the big wig stations bandwidth. However should the big wigs who have no idea what or where areas like Hazzard, Wendell, Bliss Idaho, or Evanston, or Cokeville Wyoming not be served by a competing station? Loosen up the licensing , let those locally be just that local. Get the idea?
Now if the food store would just open so I can go fetch me some milk.
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