Monday, December 30, 2019

WordPress and others getting worse.

So after I got completely cut off of WordPress, got things being set up at Go Daddy. Not saying their much better, but considering Go-Daddy is not sitting in GY Bay, California. Then flat told my current LDS Bishop, that because of my being balled out over quite nothing, I said, I'm not coming back to the Ward. His response, He really didn't care. No, hey come down and lets see about working this out, nope It's because of my behaivior, relly. Guess being kind, sympathetic, and giving automotive aid to two families in need in our Ward was bad behavior. Like I said before. Up until I moved to Wyoming, in 2014, until I moved away, I was really active in the Church and things were going in the right direction. I move over here and outside of Kathleen and her family, and on lady sister Missionary in Jerome, quite frankly any more the church, can kiss my rumpus. I'm going to see who my Stake President is, and have a long sit down up in his face talk. Plus , Going to get in touch with some Church General Authorities. 
Ya'll have a Good New Year, Utah residency is not looking so bad after all.